Your website symbolizes your business so you need to believe the fact that first impression is the last impression. While designing a website, the Dubai website designers commit a few mistakes which are better to be avoided. Usually these designers end up spoiling the user experience which leads to rejection of potential buyers. Take a look at the mistakes you must avoid
Too much or very little content – Content is king so it rules everywhere so even a website design Dubai fails if it lacks content or if crowded with lot of content. So, keep in mind that optimum content is best and do not ignore content at all.
Perplexing navigation – You must be well aware of your website but its important for the visitors to navigate smoothly through the website. You must have a proper navigation plan so that the visitors know where to go, where he is and how he can scroll to the previous page or proceed. The audience must be able to come back to the home page effortlessly. While designing avoid the confusing links and the best web designer Dubai never makes such a mistake.
Overusing flash – Graphic designers Dubai usually love using flash but this is something you must avoid. Too much of flash makes the website heavy, thus slower to load.
Too much animations, images and colors – Your website is not a picture gallery and visitors do not like too much of anything. Audiences are more interested in getting information about the products or services and other details. It’s rational to use images and animations where necessary. Choose a color scheme that matches your brand image. Try sticking to two major colors along with 1 ascent color and the background should be of light color. The font should be legible and make sure your website has white space. A professional website designer Dubai assures the same.
No contact details – Your website should have all the relevant information to promote sales. So, contact details are a mandatory to enhance a customer base. Include the address in the footer section.
Call to action – Every page should have a call-to-action button to attract the visitors and to ensure they reach out during the business hours.